There are five basic steps that go into the production of wine: growing and harvesting, crushing and pressing, fermentation, clarification, and aging and bottling. Although these steps are generally followed, every winemaker has his/her own twist on the process and the number of variations is essentially limitless.
en.m.wikipedia.org からのwinemaking
Winemaking (also wine making) or vinification is the production of wine, starting with the selection of the fruit, its fermentation into alcohol, and the ...


ワイン醸造では、ワインの製造工程全体について解説する。ワインは醸造だけでなく、それに先立つブドウなどの原料選びから、2度にわたる発酵、瓶詰めるまでを経て完成する。ワインの醸造所をワイナリーと呼ぶ。 ワイン製造の歴史は数千年前にまで遡る。 ウィキペディア
www.winemonthclub.com からのwinemaking
There are five basic stages or steps to making wine: harvesting, crushing and pressing, fermentation, clarification, and then aging and bottling. Undoubtedly, ...
2019/01/22 · The winery's first step is to process the grapes. Wine grapes are never washed. (It would ruin the fruit-quality concentration!) So instead, ...
lakechelanwinevalley.com からのwinemaking
The six steps to winemaking are growing, harvesting, crushing, pressing, fermentation, clarification, and aging/bottling.
robbreport.com からのwinemaking
2023/01/05 · Every piece of the winemaking puzzle involves a series of decisions. It's said that great wine is made in the vineyard.
This course will explore basic wine-growing operations and how they achieve different viti- and vinicultural outcomes. You will also identify the skills to ...
www.britannica.com からのwinemaking
Continuous presses are practical for production of red wines, in which skins, seeds, and juice are all fermented together. Separation of the juice is simplified ...
extension.uga.edu からのwinemaking
This publication provides essential material and detailed instructions for successfully making wine at home. The information is designed for beginners who ...
ingoodtaste.com からのwinemaking
Winemaking is a time-honored tradition. It is a science, an art, and a passion. But how exactly is wine made? What goes into this process?