もしかして: ウケケ


「ウケケ」はコア材で作られた楽弓で、長さ16~24インチ、幅約11⁄2インチで、両端を通して2本または3本の弦が両端を通して固定されており、イ長調のトライアドに調律されています。スチール弦が導入される前は、ガットまたはセンニットが使用されていました。 ウィキペディア(英語)
www.metmuseum.org からのukeke
Although occasionally used to accompany chants, 'ukeke were typically employed for personal entertainment and particularly by lovers when serenading each other.
The ʻūkēkē is a musical bow made of koa wood, 16 to 24 inches long and about 11⁄2 inches wide with two or three strings fastened through and around either ...
2024/02/27 · The ukeke is an Indigenous Hawaiian string instrument that is a type of musical bow. It has two or three strings strung along the length of ...
www.hawaiipublicradio.org からのukeke
2014/06/25 · k?k?, Hawai'i's only indigenous stringed instrument, with multi-media artisan Mahi La Pierre. Consisting of a thin, bent piece of wood and one ...
2020/12/14 · Before the Portuguese braguinha was transformed into the ukulele in the 1870s by immigrant sugar workers, the ʻūkēkē, or Hawaiian musical bow, ...
imagesofoldhawaii.com からのukeke
2017/05/14 · “The 'ūkēkē, the one Hawaiian instrument of its class, is a mere strip of wood bent into the shape of a bow that its elastic force may keep ...
digitalbenin.org からのukeke
Ukeke (strikers) are used with other instruments, in particular gongs but also some drums. They are carved from tree branches and are most likely produced ...
sinchi-foundation.com からのukeke
2017/01/30 · The ukeke, on the other hand, is a very small bow- shaped instrument made out of wood with three strings attached to and around either end ...