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シマロウバは、新熱帯地方原産のシマロウバ科の樹木および低木の属です。それは、Simaba 属および Quassia 属とともに、Simaroubina 亜族に分類されています。葉は複葉で、1~12対の互生羽状小葉があります。花は単性で、比較的小さく、大きな円錐花序に配置されます。 ウィキペディア(英語)
en.m.wikipedia.org からのsimarouba
Simarouba is a genus of trees and shrubs in the family Simaroubaceae, native to the neotropics. It has been grouped in the subtribe Simaroubina along with ...
en.m.wikipedia.org からのsimarouba
Simarouba glauca is a flowering tree that is native to Florida, South America, and the Caribbean. Common names include paradise-tree, dysentery-bark, ...
edis.ifas.ufl.edu からのsimarouba
An upright tree when young, paradise-tree ultimately reaches 50 feet in height with a 30-foot spread and creates a dense, rounded crown at maturity. The tiny, ...
www.fnps.org からのsimarouba
Evergreen. Inconspicuous blooms in spring. Fruits ripen in summer. Noted for: Showy fruits, Interesting foliage, Hurricane wind resistance. Landscaping ...
www.inaturalist.org からのsimarouba
Simarouba glauca is a species of flowering tree that is native to Florida, South America, and the Lesser Antilles. Common names include paradise-tree, ...
tropical.theferns.info からのsimarouba
General Information. Simarouba glauca is an evergreen, small or medium-sized tree with a narrow crown; it usually grows up to 15 metres tall, but specimens ...
www.treeworldwholesale.com からのsimarouba
Simarouba glauca (Paradise tree) is a large Florida native plant which reaches 50 feet in height and a spread of 30 feet; the crown is dense and with an upright ...
Main Uses: for dysentery (amebic and bacterial) and diarrhea; for intestinal worms and internal parasites; for malaria; as an astringent to stop bleeding ...
pfaf.org からのsimarouba
Simarouba glauca, otherwise known as Paradise Tree or Bitter Wood, is an evergreen, small to medium-sized tree growing up to 15 m in height, with a narrow crown ...
tropical.theferns.info からのsimarouba
General Information. Simarouba amara is a large, evergreen tree with a broad crown that can reach a height of 42 metres tall, though is usually smaller.