もしかして: ditto
Page 1. Test Definition: DMITO. Mitochondrial DNA Deletion Heteroplasmy,. ddPCR, Varies ...
evrogen.com からのdmito
pHyPer-dMito is a mammalian expression vector encoding mitochondria-targeted HyPer (see reporter description). HyPer codon usage is optimized for high ...
DMITO stands for Dog More Intelligent Than Owner ... This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: ... All ...
2023/10/03 · Test Definition: DMITO. Mitochondrial DNA Deletion Heteroplasmy, ddPCR, Varies. Reporting Title: Mitochondrial Deletion Heteroplasmy.
pKillerOrange-dMito is a mammalian expression vector encoding mitochondria-targeted KillerOrange (see reporter description). KillerOrange codon usage is ...
m.facebook.com からのdmito
2018/03/02 · Dmito pretty sure we need to print this out for work. We only use adr. Misses opportunity lol Emmie Lacey Chelsea Craig. 6 yrs. 2.
www.addgene.org からのdmito
pC1-SypHer3s-dmito (Plasmid #108119) · Purpose. Mitochondrial ratiometric pH probe with enhanced brightness for mammalian cells expression. Probe is localized ...
Purpose of plasmid, express pH sensor SypHer3s-dmito in Drosophila using the UAS system. Depositing Lab, Aurelio Teleman