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The nonprofit organization provides a full range of services, including emergency shelter, as well as psychological and legal aid, and professional training.
cadmi.org からのcadmi
La Casa di Accoglienza delle Donne Maltrattate di Milano (CADMI) è il primo Centro Antiviolenza nato in Italia, nel 1986, all'interno dell'UDI (Unione Donne ...
2020/05/11 · Since its foundation, CADMI has supported over 30,000 women on their way out of violence, hosting more than 600 in secret homes. Regarding the ...
Definition. One of the toxic heavy metal which has caused deaths and permanent illnesses in a series of major pollution incidents around the world.
Cadmium is a chemical element; it has symbol Cd and atomic number 48. This soft, silvery-white metal is chemically similar to the two other stable metals in ...
名詞 編集. cadmi 男性. cadmioの複数形。 動詞 編集. cadmi. cadmiareの直説法現在第二人称単数形。 cadmiareの接続法現在第一人称単数形。 cadmiareの接続法現在第二人称 ...
The Home for Battered Women in Milan (CADMI) is a place for listening, relating and support, the first anti-violence center in Italy, since 1986 a point of ...
Noun edit. cadmi m (uncountable). cadmium. Further reading edit · “cadmi” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d'Estudis Catalans.
play.google.com からのcadmi
2020/05/07 · 家族の中で愛を表現している間、食料品を注文して数回クリックするだけであなたの場所に配達されます。 Cadmiは、さまざまなシナリオでアプリに ...
3 genes co-occuring with the biological term cadmi in literature-supported statements describing functions of genes from the GeneRIF Biological Term Annotations ...