en.wikipedia.org からのSpain
Spain, or the Kingdom of Spain, is a country located in Southwestern Europe, with parts of its territory in the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and Africa ...


スペインはヨーロッパのイベリア半島に位置する国です。17 の自治州で構成され、多様な地理や文化を有しています。首都マドリードには王宮の他、ヨーロッパの巨匠たちの作品を収めるプラド美術館もあります。セゴビアには中世の城(アルカサル)と保存状態のよいローマ時代の水路橋が残っています。バルセロナはカタルーニャ州の州都で、サグラダ ファミリア教会をはじめとするアントニ・ガウディの奇想天外なモダニズム建築が有名です。
面積195,379 mi²
タイムゾーンUTC⁠±0 to +1 (西ヨーロッパ時間 and 中央ヨーロッパ時間)
住民の呼称スペイン人; スペイン

www.spain.info からのSpain
Tourist information about Spain: art, culture, museums, monuments, beaches, cities, fiestas, routes, cuisine, natural spaces in Spain | spain.info.
www.britannica.com からのSpain
Spain, country located in extreme southwestern Europe. It occupies about 85 percent of the Iberian Peninsula, which it shares with its smaller neighbour ...
www.state.gov からのSpain
Spain is now the fifth-largest economy in the EU and the fourth-largest economy in the Eurozone. Spain and the United States have a friendship, ...
www.cia.gov からのSpain
Background. Spain's powerful world empire of the 16th and 17th centuries ultimately yielded command of the seas to England. Subsequent failure to embrace ...
spanish-presidency.consilium.europa.eu からのSpain
Spain is the second largest country in the European Union and its fourth largest economy. It is known for its gastronomy, its tourist attractions and its ...
kids.nationalgeographic.com からのSpain
Spain occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula, stretching south from the Pyrenees Mountains to the Strait of Gibraltar, which separates Spain from Africa.
www.lonelyplanet.com からのSpain
Passionate, sophisticated Spain is full of wild beauty, deep history and some of the best food you'll ever eat. Life is a fiesta, and everyone's invited.
www.tripadvisor.com からのSpain
From sun-drenched archipelagos and bustling urban cities to snowcapped mountains and semi-arid deserts, Spain epitomizes geographical diversity.