Basic Grammar Terms
  • NOUN: The name of a person, place, or thing. ...
  • PRONOUN: A word used to refer to a noun, usually used to avoid repetition. ...
  • VERB: A word that expresses action (verb tenses treated later). ...
  • ADJECTIVE: A word used to modify (describe) a noun or pronoun.
A group of words that express a thought. A sentence conveys a statement, question, exclamation or command. A sentence contains or implies a subject and a ...
2012/08/21 · A vocabulary list featuring English Grammar Terms.
In English, words are used in one of eight parts of speech: noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, conjunction, preposition, and interjection. This table ...
Do you want to practise your English grammar and learn new words? In this section you can learn about grammar rules, play word games and watch fun videos.
English grammar rules, from A to N, verb tenses and parts of speech, for learners of all levels.
Do you like learning about English grammar? In this section you can learn grammar rules and play games to help you understand. You can also print activities ...
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