

フォークダンスとは、世界各地で踊られる土着の踊りの総称である。広義には盆踊りや神楽のような日本の踊りも含まれるが、一般的に日本では外国から紹介された踊りを指すことが多い。また、キャンプファイヤーでも使用される。 フォークダンスは民族舞踊と訳される。 ウィキペディア
en.m.wikipedia.org からのFolk Dancing
A folk dance is a dance that reflects the life of the people of a certain country or region. Not all ethnic dances are folk dances.
www.britannica.com からのFolk Dancing
Folk dance, generally, a type of dance that is a vernacular, usually recreational, expression of a historical or contemporary culture. The term 'folk dance' ...
www.masterclass.com からのFolk Dancing
2021/06/07 · Folk dance is a way for people to express, share, and connect with their own traditional culture. Various styles of folk dance have been ...
m.youtube.com からのFolk Dancing
Traditional folk dances. The videos are classified in playlists according to cultural regions. Please, feel free to make suggestions and reviews.
www.recfolkdancecolumbus.org からのFolk Dancing
Our calendar lists folk dance and related events in and around Columbus; check it out! For more information, or if your recreational folk ...
en.m.wikipedia.org からのFolk Dancing
Morris dancing is a form of English folk dance. It is based on rhythmic stepping and the execution of choreographed figures by a group of dancers in costume ...