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ASOC's mission is to protect the vulnerable ecosystems of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean by providing a unified voice for Antarctic conservation.
Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition

南極海と南洋の連合は、世界40か国に150人以上のメンバーを擁する環境非政府組織の世界的な連合です。 ASOCは、1978年以来、南極大陸、その周辺の島々、および南極海が、未来の世代の遺産の世界的なコモンズである世界最後の手付かずの荒野として生き残ることを保証するために取り組んできました。 ウィキペディア(英語)
Application security orchestration and correlation (ASOC) is a category of application security (AppSec) solution that helps streamline vulnerability ...
The Aviation Safety Officer Course (ASOC) produces the skills necessary to manage an aviation safety program at company and battalion levels.
$79.00 在庫あり
The new report, ASOC: Driving Medical Policy Changes, briefly explores the shift to alternate sites of care (ASOC), the underlying issues, and resulting ...
The mission of ASOC is to advocate on behalf of the student body, to promote discussions about how Occidental College can evolve to better serve the students, ...
Ivanti Neurons for ASOCでアプリケーションスタックの脆弱性管理に、リスクベースアプローチを採用します。
Adult System of Care assists adults and older adults achieve their optimal level of self-sufficiency and independence by providing mental health services, ...
2023/10/04 · About This Document This guide facilitates a formal request for obtaining FAA acceptance of an Aircraft Statement of Capability (ASOC).
The Associated Students of Ohlone College (ASOC) is the official student government of Ohlone College in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. The college ...
Our mission: To continue to protect the Antarctic and Southern Ocean's unique and vulnerable ecosystems by providing the unified voice for Antarctic ...