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Design beautiful bead creations with Aquabeads! Just pick a template design, place your beads on the layout tray, spray with water and the beads magically stick
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「アクアビーズ」は水でくっつく不思議なビーズ!カラフルビーズでお絵かきしよう♪ ビーズをならべて、お水をシュシュっとしてすこし待って、ポンッ!お気に入りの作品を ...
www.discovery-japan.me からのAQUA-Beads♪
"Aqua Beads" are mysterious beads that stick together with water! Let's draw pictures with colorful beads♪ A set of beads and illustration sheets that can ...
3 日前 · "Aqua Beads" are mysterious beads that stick together with water! Let's draw pictures with colorful beads ♪ (C) EPOCH
usashop.mozartsupplies.com からのAQUA-Beads♪
$11.99 在庫なし
MozArt offers Jungle aqua beads set for kids comes with over 1200 beads and includes everything you need to create 4 fun jungle-themed aquabeads designs.
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評価 (40)
「アクアビーズ」の別売りセットです。 ○2015年は、マイメロディ生誕40周年。マイメロディのかわいさは、世代を越えてますます愛されています♪ ○このセットでは ...
The sparkling up of the princesses with metallic color beads♪ All finished pieces are worn as accessories! Fit your favorite work to a tiara, necklace ...