February 2022) The A level (Advanced Level), is a main school leaving qualification of the General Certificate of Education in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. It is available as an alternative qualification in other countries, where it is similarly known as an A-Level.
The A-level (Advanced Level) is a subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education, as well as a school leaving ...


一般教育修了上級レベル、GCE上級レベル、通称Aレベルは、イギリスとその連邦諸国において、中等教育卒業もしくは大学入学レベルにあることを示す学業修了認定である。他のいくつかの国々、たとえばシンガポール、ケニア、モーリシャス、ジンバブエなどでは、英国のAレベルと同じ、または同程度となる学業認定制度がある。 ウィキペディア
Find out more about Cambridge International AS and A Levels and how learners worldwide gain places to leading universities every year. Visit us.
A Levels (Advanced Level qualifications) are a U.K subject-based qualification for students aged 16 and above.
Advanced level qualifications (known as A levels) are subject-based qualifications that can lead to university, further study, training, or work.
also : successful completion of an A-level examination in a particular subject. called also Advanced level. compare o level, s level.
a public examination requiring advanced knowledge in a subject and taken at the end of secondary school, usually two years after O level.
Advanced Levels (A-Levels) and Advanced Subsidiary Levels (AS-Levels) are exam-based qualifications offered across a range of subjects.
評価 (174)
2023/07/11 · Advanced Levels (usually referred to as just A Levels) are qualifications in particular subjects that are usually the final academic courses ...
What are A-Levels? The General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Examinations originated in the United Kingdom and are known as the "A-Level Exams.