
Tomita Management Research, Inc. Service. Entry to the Japanese market. Japan ... Activity-based, Project-based, Monthly/Daily/Hourly based fees are available ...

| 月次決算・財務分析 | 決算対策 | 経営計画書作成支援 | 起業・開業支援 | 会計ソフト導入支援 | | 人的ネットワークによる問題解決 | 相続対策・不動産の有効活用 |.

Tomita Accounting Office; Business Purpose: General accounting and tax affairs; CHIEF: Kenji Tomita; Address: Kobayashi Building 1F, 2-77-2 Ikebukuro, Toshima- ...

... accounting, M&A, and practical and intellectual property business. Our experiences. Development of the Japanese market for biomass boilers; Demand search for ...

Experience · Consultant - Accounting and Finance · Chief Financial Officer · Regional Controller · Vice President - Controller · Treasurer and Controller.

〒194-0021 東京都町田市中町1-5-3 司法関連公証センタービル4F. 町田駅北口より徒歩8分. 対応地域. 町田、相模原、横浜、川崎、座間、大和、海老名、藤沢、八王子など ...

2021/9/2 -Anne Tomita began her accounting career fresh out of college, where her degree in mathematics instilled a keen problem-solving perspective ...

The Uniform Accounting Network (UAN) is a financial software package created by the Auditor of State's office to support the accounting, payroll, ...

Tomita recognized that Japanese accounting would remain in the shadow of major international firms unless Japan became a key player in international auditing.

Ken Tomita. 公認会計士登録番号: 19305; 資格: 不動産鑑定士(国土交通省登録8381号)、公認会計士、税理士※登録していない資格で、宅地建物取引士・国内旅行業務取扱管理 ...