
Solaris 9 System Management Commands. This table describes the commands that provide the same functionality as the Solaris management tools.

Research any and all commands that you inflict upon your command line. Distribution: The PDF version is free to redistribute as long as credit to the author and ...

Command executed after the session end. /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig –e|-d|-kill. -e|-d: enable (disable) autostart login server ...

2016/5/27 -The nscfg commands allow you to import the content of legacy files into the SMF. While the cheat sheet showed already two examples, the nscfg ...

Sun Cluster Cheat Sheet. This cheatsheet contains common commands and information for both Sun Cluster 3.1 and 3.2, there is some missing information and ...

This document provides a cheat sheet for common Solaris system administration tasks. It includes commands for checking system information like processes, ...

(9) Solaris-specific commands. 8. Virtual Environment. (1) Managing containers/zones. (2) Managing KVM/OVM. Oracle Solaris Command Reference for Linux Users.

3日前 -This Unix commands cheat sheet aims to help you pick up and brush up high-priority Unix command-line operations easily. It covers essential ...

Sun Cluster 3.1 cheat sheet ... It is also used to run cluster commands remotely (like the cluster shutdown command). ... Solaris 9 and10 OS). A failfast driver ...

2014/9/15 -Command. Short name. Description. -------. ----------. ----------- claccess claccess. Manage Oracle Solaris Cluster access policies cldevice.