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  3. Opal

Opal is a hydrated amorphous form of silica ); its water content may range from 3% to 21% by weight, but is usually between 6% and 10%. Due to its amorphous ...

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    Bright flashes of color skip across this stone's surface. ... Opal forms as irregular nodules or seams in volcanic or sedimentary rocks. ... Play-of-color results ...

    A type of Opal consisting of aggregated spheres of amorphous silica, with water filling the gaps in between. Precious Opal and Potch Opal consist of this kind ...

    For thousands of years, people have mined and treasured opals. These striking stones are the traditional October birthstone and have inspired a rich body of ...

    Opal Auctions is the biggest online marketplace for buying loose Opals, rough Opals and Opal Jewelry. We have individual verified Opal stores with sellers ...

    2024/3/8 -Opal, silica mineral extensively used as a gemstone, a submicrocrystalline variety of cristobalite. In ancient times opal was included among ...

    Opals are crispy, sweet, and naturally non-browning. Taste the difference and make a difference with Opal® organic apples.

    Explore how Opal unlocks planning & visualization for brand builders – and see why we're trusted by Target, Starbucks, Microsoft & more!

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    Real Focus in Real-Time. Measure and improve your focus day by day, on iPhone, iPad and Chrome.

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    With an opal, clarity is its degree of transparency and freedom from inclusions. An opal's clarity can range all the way from completely transparent to opaque.


    オパール(opal)は、鉱物(酸化鉱物)の一種。潜晶質であるため、厳密には準鉱物であるが、国際鉱物学連合ではオパールを正式な鉱物としている。和名と中国語名は蛋白石(たんぱくせき)。 西洋語のオパールを指す語は、ギリシア語 opallios、または、そのラテン語化 opalus に…-Wikipedia