
織田 信長(おだ のぶなが)は、日本の戦国時代から安土桃山時代にかけての武将・大名。戦国の三英傑の一人。 凡例. 織田 信長. 紙本著色織田信長像(狩野元秀画、長興 ...

(歴史ライター:西股 総生) ●戦略から読み解く山城の盛衰~岐阜城(前編) (前編から)岐阜城を実際に訪れてみて驚くのは、山の上の狭さだ。天守のまわりも露岩がゴツゴツしていてスペースに乏しい。山の上の均...


(歴史ライター:西股 総生)■ 織田家の本城だった岐阜城 永禄10年(1567)、織田信長は斎藤龍興を下して美濃を征し、稲葉山城に居を定めて名を「岐阜」と改めた。以後、天正4年(1576)に安土城を築いて移るまでの...


Nobunaga was an influential figure in Japanese history and is regarded as one of the three great unifiers of Japan, along with his retainers Toyotomi Hideyoshi ...

Oda Hidenobu-Kitsuno-Nōhime-Oda Nobutada

2024/3/26 -In 1582, Oda Nobunaga was the most powerful warlord in Japan. Known as the first Great Unifier, Nobunaga ended a period of mass civil war and ...

2024/3/29 -Oda Nobunaga was a Japanese warrior who overthrew the Ashikaga shogunate (1338–1573) and ended a long period of feudal wars by unifying half ...

The “Sengoku” or “Warring States” period of 16th century Japan, a period that lasted for almost a whole century, was a time of unprecedented ...


Oda Nobunaga was the first of the great Three Unifiers who rose to power in the late Sengoku Period, uniting much of Japan under his rule, and setting the stage ...

The ruthless samurai Oda Nobunaga conquered much of 16th Century Japan during sengoku-jidai: the 'Age of the Country at War'.

2023/10/10 -Nobunaga, a prominent figure in Japanese history, is widely recognized as one of the 3 great unifiers of Japan, alongside his loyal companions ...

Oda Nobunaga was the foremost military leader of Japan from 1568 to 1582. Nobunaga, along with his two immediate successors, Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537-1598) and ...

2022/12/3 -A long civil war saw the emergence of one major leader: Oda Nobunaga. With ruthless methods and inspiring leadership, this samurai united ...
