


2023/4/19 -Chickenpox is an illness caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It brings on an itchy rash with small, fluid-filled blisters.

2024/4/24 -Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease caused by varicella-zoster virus (VZV). It mainly spreads from unvaccinated people with chickenpox to ...

Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). Protect your child from severe symptoms with the chickenpox vaccine. Site ...

Chickenpox is an infection that causes an itchy, blister-like skin rash. A virus called varicella-zoster causes it. Chickenpox is highly contagious. But it's ...

Also called: Varicella. What Is Chickenpox? Chickenpox is a viral infection that causes fever and an itchy rash with spots all over the body.

Chickenpox, also known as varicella, is a highly contagious, vaccine-preventable disease caused by the initial infection with varicella zoster virus (VZV), ...

2023/11/14 -Chickenpox is a very contagious infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It mainly affects kids, but adults can also get it.

Chickenpox is a viral infection in which a person develops very itchy blisters all over the body.

Chickenpox is a common childhood disease that causes an itchy, blistering rash and is easily spread to others.

Chickenpox, also known as varicella, is a highly contagious infection caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV). It causes an itchy, blister-like rash.


水痘(すいとう)は、水痘・帯状疱疹ウイルス(varicella-zoster virus, VZV)の感染による感染症の一種。一般に水疱瘡(みずぼうそう)または水ぼうそうとしても知られている。 英語では chicken pox や varicellaと呼ばれる。日本では、感染症法…-Wikipedia