

2024/3/6 -Apache Log4j is a versatile, industrial-grade Java logging framework composed of an API, its implementation, and components to assist the ...

Download Apache Log4j™ 2-Apache Log4j 2-Security-Release Notes

The Apache Log4j Security Team takes security seriously. This allows our users to place their trust in Log4j for protecting their mission-critical data.

2022/4/8 -The CVE-2021-44228 RCE vulnerability—affecting Apache's Log4j library, versions 2.0-beta9 to 2.14.1—exists in the action the Java Naming and ...

Log4j - Wikipedia

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org
  2. wiki
  3. Log4j
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org
  2. wiki
  3. Log4j

Apache Log4j is a Java-based logging utility originally written by Ceki Gülcü. It is part of the Apache Logging Services, a project of the Apache Software ...

Download Apache Log4j™ 2. Apache Log4j 2 is distributed under the Apache License, version 2.0. The link in the Mirrors column should display a list of ...

Security-Release Notes-Index of /dist/logging/log4j-Support

Apache Log4j 2

  1. https://logging.apache.org
  2. log4j
  1. https://logging.apache.org
  2. log4j

Apache Log4j 2 is an upgrade to Log4j that provides significant improvements over its predecessor, Log4j 1.x, and provides many of the improvements available in ...

Extending Log4j-Log4j Core – About-Log4j Docker Support-Log4j Tag Library

A.こんにちわ。 Spigotの場合は、バージョンごとに最新のビルドを行い、そのjarファイルでサーバーを立てるだけで対策完了です。 また、有志の方が対策記事を書いているので参考にされるといいと...


A.>Server 2.xは対応が必要ですか? 必要ありません


A.今現在初心者なら、細かく知る必要はないと思いますよ。 ようするにwebアプリ(に限らないですが)などでユーザーが入力する内容に不正アクセス可能な内容を入れるとlog4jのライブラリがそれを実行...


Log4Shell is a Java Naming and Directory Interface™ (JNDI) injection vulnerability which can allow remote code execution (RCE). By including untrusted data ( ...

2022/1/27 -The Apache Log4j Project is among the most deployed pieces of open source software, providing logging capabilities for Java applications.

Apache Log4j is a versatile, industrial-grade Java logging framework composed of an API, its implementation, and components to assist the deployment for various ...

Issues 92-Pull requests 9-Discussions-Actions

2024/3/11 -Apache Log4j ... Apache Log4j is a Java-based logging utility. It is part of the Apache Logging Services, a project of the Apache Software ...


Apache Log4jは、Javaベースのロギングユーティリティである。Ceki Gülcüによって書かれたもので、Apache Software FoundationのApac...-Wikipedia