
Kids Definition · 1 of 3 noun. ˈskōp. 1. : space or opportunity for action or thought. full scope for expression. 2. : area or amount included, reached, or ...

Scope inspires and empowers middle-school ELA students with thrilling multigenre stories and engaging activities that strengthen literacy skills and instill a ...

verb phrase. Slang. to look at or over; examine; check out: a rock musician scoping out the audience before going on stage. to master; figure out: By the time ...

Scope out-Microscope-Telescope-Oscilloscope

SCOPE provides camp opportunities to all children, regardless of socio-economic background. Camp allows children to grow socially, emotionally & physically.

SCOPE Art Show - Critically acclaimed art shows that extend beyond the ordinary in contemporary art.


Scope Archives-Outlet-食器-SALE

scope noun [U] (OPPORTUNITY). C2. the opportunity for doing something: There is limited scope for further reductions in the workforce.

(medicine, colloquial) To perform any medical procedure that ends in the suffix -scopy, such as endoscopy, colonoscopy, bronchoscopy, etc.

パソコンでゲームを楽しむならゲーミングパソコンは必需品と言えますが、ワンランク上のプレイを望むのであれば、ゲーミングマウスやゲーミングキーボードの導入も考えたいところです。 操作の多いMMORPGやシューテ...

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株式会社ポケモンとHEROZ株式会社は『ポケットモンスター』シリーズのビデオゲーム内で行われるポケモンバトル(バトル)の戦況を可視化するAIツール「Pokemon Battle Scope(PBS)」を共同開発した。 スポーツはも...


Scope is an expert marketplace, professional services, and referrals—all in one. We work with customers, tech vendors, and experts to facilitate tech ...

Synonyms for SCOPE: extent, realm, confines, range, width, reach, breadth, spectrum, ambit, amplitude.


