
Okra - Wikipedia

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  3. Okra

Okra Abelmoschus esculentus, known in some English-speaking countries as lady's fingers, is a flowering plant in the mallow family native to East Africa.

2023/9/8 -Okra is a green, tube-like fruit with a mild, grassy flavor. It acts as a thickener and is most commonly used like a vegetable in soups and ...


Okra, also known as gumbo or ladies' fingers, is a warm-season vegetable. It is a good source of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. It contains a ...

2023/2/17 -Okra is rich in magnesium, folate, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins C, K1 and A. It may help support healthy pregnancy, heart health, blood ...

5日前 -Okra, a herbaceous hairy annual plant of the mallow family and its edible podlike fruits. Okra is native to the tropics of the Eastern ...

2023/9/26 -Okra provides calcium, fiber, polyphenols and other vitamins. These nutrients can help boost heart health, lower your blood sugar and aid ...

Okra seeds provide one of the prettiest vegetables you can grow. Find high yield okra seeds that grow quickly and love the sun available at Burpee seeds.

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Okra - Melissas Produce

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Okra, also known as ladies' fingers or ochro, is a unique and widely polarizing vegetable. The flavor is a pleasant blend of eggplant and green bean. Snappy ...

Originally from Africa, okra is a vegetable widely used in cuisines such as Caribbean, Creole, Cajun and Indian. It's also known as bhindi or lady's fingers, in ...


植物 (アオイ科)

オクラ(秋葵、okra、学名: Abelmoschus esculentus)は、アオイ科トロロアオイ属の植物、またはその食用果実である。 原産地はアフリカ北東部(エチオピアが有力)。原産地や熱帯では多年草で、何年も繰り返し果実をつけるが、日本では越冬できないため一年草である。 …-Wikipedia



オクラ 果実 生

  • エネルギー126.0 kJ
  • 炭水化物6.6 g
  • デンプン1.9 g
  • 食物繊維5.0 g
  • 脂肪0.2 g
  • 飽和脂肪酸0.03 ) g
  • 一価不飽和脂肪酸0.02 ) g
  • 多価不飽和脂肪酸0.03 ) g
  • タンパク質2.1 g
  • ビタミンA56.0 ug
  • β-カロテン670.0 ug
  • ビタミンB10.09 mg
  • ビタミンB20.09 mg
  • ナイアシン(ビタミンB3)0.8 mg
  • パントテン酸(ビタミンB5)0.42 mg
  • ビタミンB60.1 mg
  • 葉酸(ビタミンB9)110.0 ug
  • ビタミンC11.0 mg
  • ビタミンE1.2 mg
  • ビタミンK71.0 ug
  • ナトリウム4.0 mg
  • カリウム260.0 mg
  • カルシウム92.0 mg
  • マグネシウム51.0 mg
  • リン58.0 mg
  • 0.5 mg
  • 亜鉛0.6 mg
  • 0.13 mg
  • マンガン0.48 mg
  • 水分90.2 g
  • 水溶性食物繊維1.4 g
  • 不溶性食物繊維3.6 g
  • ビオチン(B7)6.0 µg
  • 有機酸0.1 g