


2024/1/5 -中古アニメ、漫画、ゲームのグッズやフィギュア、同人、コスプレ等のアイテムをお探しならK-BOOKSへ!買取も受付中です!

中古アニメ・ゲーム・まんが関連グッズの通販ショップです。 K-BOOKS池袋店舗「キャラ館」「ライブ館」「GAME館」「GAME館プラス」「乙女館」「コスプレ館」「素材 ...

KBOOKS - The Largest Online Bookstore in Sri Lanka for Sinhala, English and Tamil medium books. We have an extensive collection of Novels, Short Stories, ...

K-Books (Japanese: ケイ・ブックス) is a chain of used goods stores in Japan. It specializes in otaku- and hobbyist-related items, including anime goods, ...

Online shopping from a great selection at Books Store.

We are an independent, family-owned used bookstore company with locations across four cities. We buy, sell and trade used books, audiobooks, Books-on-CD, ...

``The K-book: an introduction to algebraic K-theory'' · 1. Free and stably free modules; p.1 · 2. Projective modules; p.6 · 3. The Picard group of a ring; p.15